K.L.E Society's



Minor Research Projects - Completed

S. No. Name of Principal Investigator Name of Dept. Title of Project Name of funding agency Remarks
1. Prof. D.C. Mudabasappagol

Department of Commerce

Corporate Retailing in northern Karnataka with special reference to Hubli Dharwad and Belgaum Cities - Their impact on small traders

University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore  
2. Dr. (Smt.) K.R. Siddagangamma Department of Kannada Innovative Methods in Language Teaching Innovative Methods in Language Teaching Executive Summery
3. Prof. S.N.Mulimani Department of Geography

Geographical Importance of Organic Farming and Conservation of Environment and Health in Belgaum District

University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore Executive Summery
4. Prof. C.S.Nalawadi Department of Statistics

The Role of Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) under the Scheme of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM): A Statistical Analysis

University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore  
5. Prof. S.S.Chobari Department of Statistics

A Statistical Analysis of Socio Economic Conditions of Senior Citizens of Belgaum City

University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore Executive Summery
6. Smt. M.R.Banahatti Department of Psychology

Occupational Stress of Teachers working for visually impaired and mentally retarded children in special School.

UGC Scheme of CPE Executive Summery
7 Shri. C.Ramarao Department of Physical Education Analysis of Sports Competition anxiety between Karnataka and Tamilnadu Inter University Men Basketball Players University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore Executive Summery
8 Dr. A.S.Anikivi Department of Political Science Participation of Political Parties in Gram Panchayat Administration in Karnataka: A study of Baihongal Taluk University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore Executive Summery
9 Dr. (Smt.) R.A.Godhi Department of Sociology Coping with menopause: A study of urban and rural women in India University Grants Commission, SWRO, Bangalore Executive Summery
10 Smt. G.N.Patil Department of Economics An Economic Analysis of Organic Farming in Belgaum District UGC Scheme of CPE  

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