K.L.E Society's



Cultural Association

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.” (John F. Kennedy)

The inculcation of moral and aesthetic values with the amalgamation of talent and indigenous culture are a huge challenge for any community. The cultural Association of Lingaraj College believes in the preservation of this immaculate heritage. Culture is what a society lives on. Each society can see its culture reflected in its language, folktales, music, literature etc. Apart from this, however, culture has a host of sociological and economic values. Participation in the cultural activities brings an individual a host of personal benefits. It impact is always deep, wondrous, and great. It creates a sense of belonging that few other activities can bring.

The Culture Association aims to encourage students’ interest, participation and responsibility by providing social, cultural and recreational activities for the College community. Keeping this in mind the College has different groups which give students an opportunity to demonstrate and develop their talent in the fields of music, dance and other fields of culture, giving a boost to their physical and mental health.

Objectives of Cultural Association:

  • The Cultural Association provides platform for those talents to flourish.
  • Promote quality and artistic renewal.
  • Promote a dynamic cultural heritage that is preserved, used and developed.
  • Promote opportunities for everyone to experience culture, participate in educational program and develop their creative abilities.