K.L.E Society's





‘ To imbibe the vital scientific temper to build character, strength, efficacy, and a spirit of service among the students to make them noble human beings and enable them establish an organic bond between long envisaged tryst with the nation’s destiny and upgrade the image of the nation-state amidst highly competitive community of the 21st century nation-states. ’

KLE Society’s Lingaraj College, Belagavi has been consistently adapting to new time-relevant dimensions of its vision, accordingly making necessary modifications of the governance through the application of ICT, designing and implementing perspective plans by learning from the preceding laxities as well as necessities of the contemporary times.

The decision-making process is decentralized through the formulation of various expert committees during the prevailing accreditation cycle in curricular and managerial aspects. This core exercise of the institution is primarily undertaken to build characters who contribute their might towards making and preserving familial and communitarian wealth adhering to the national interests of 21st Century India.


‘ Having evolved from simple indigenous origins to the present state of flux over nine decades with the spirit of post-modernity, the Lingaraj College seeks to infuse knowledge through curriculum; attitudes through co-curricular activities; life skills and human values through extension activities to make young minds blossom into fully developed human beings capable of shouldering the responsibility to build a new India free from caste, creed, poverty and diffidence. With its admirable infrastructure, experienced and dedicated faculty, the enlightened management, the college has been striving hard to create men and women who matter much. ’

As the vision is an abstract conception of the future, the institutional leadership is conscious about a well-conceived mission to transform the vision into a concrete reality. To attain the visualized future, the KLE Society’s Lingaraj College, Belagavi has left no stone unturned. The institution has been plural and inclusivist in restructuring its course objectives, course outcomes, and methodologies keeping in mind the regular introduction of subject specific frontline concepts through the Board of Studies proceedings and resolutions.

The curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities of the institution forming an integral part of the perspective plan indicate the chosen priorities of the institution in building human capacities. The recruitment of competent professorial staff at UG and PG levels has made the task of actualizing the mission quite easier. The teaching and non-teaching staff in association with the management representatives not only participate in the decision-making process, but also play decisive role in implementing those collective decisions. However, the missionary task is uphill and herculean as freshly restructured educational opportunities open-up. In this vivid backdrop, the multiple leadership of the institution executes its mission with utmost pedagogical care. In this way true and infinite prospects materialize.


 To educate the students for cohesive society

   Education of ‘students with special needs.
   Education of students from disadvantaged groups.
   Education of ‘girl student’.

 To strengthen national identity and preserving cultural heritage.

 To respond to the impact of globalization, to meet the challenges posed by Information and Communication Technologies.

 To link education with life skills

 To educate for value development

 To recognize interface between cognition and emotion

 To prepare the student for democratic way of life.

 To increase the unity of the institution and try for higher goals

 To ensure continuous and comprehensive evaluation

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