K.L.E Society's



Department of M.Com

About The Department


Department of M.com has been established in the academic year 2013-14 to conduct M.com course under autonomous system of college with the approval of R.C.U. Belagavi. The department is headed by Co ordinator Smt. Nikita A. Bedare from academic year 2017-18.

Commerce as a stream of education is always vibrant and dynamic. It is a combination of various sub themes namely Accounting, Marketing, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Taxation and many more. Post graduation course in such themes is designed in a way so as to develop proficiency in particular subject and to progress aspirant's academic career. The process of starting m.com course has made all above considerations and concentrated on following key aspects before establishment of department of PG studies as an extension for existed department of commerce.

Key Aspects :

Brief History:

1.Departmental meetings

The pros and cons of starting M.Com course were discussed in departmental meetings conducted during that year 2012-13.

2.Reviewing Data

The student progression data has signalized the opportunity for starting PG course in Commerce.

The rate of progression of students from UG to PG was 40% in the year 2009-10 and 50% in 2010-11

3.Suggestions of subject experts

The following subject experts were consulted before the introduction of M.Com Programme.

  • Dr.S.S.Hugar: Professor, Department of PG studies in Commerce, Karnatak university, Dharwad
  • Dr.H.Y.kamble: Professor, Head, Department of studies in Commerce, RCU, Belagavi
  • Dr.G.Kotreshwar, Professor and chairman, Department of studies in Commerce, University of Mysore, mysore
  • Dr.H.R.Venkatesha, director, Acharya’s B. school, Bangalore
  • Dr.G.T.Govindappa, Professor, department of studies in commerce, Davangere University, Davangere.
  • Dr.Basavaraj C.Sulikerimath, Professor, department of studies in Commerce Gulbarga University, Gulbarga
  • Prof.P.S.Yadapadithaya,Chairman, dept. of commerce Managalore University, Mangalagangotri

4.Analyzing answers of personal questionnaire

Circulation of open ended questionnaire among the students to find out their willingness to pursue M.Com under autonomous system.

5.Observations of working practices

  • Identification of the college as research centre of Rani Channamma University, Belagavi
  • Reputation of college.
  • Adequate infrastructure facilities and learning resources.
  • Scope for employment opportunities.

After consideration of above positive signals from all the stakeholders the M. Com course has been started under the umbrella of Department of Commerce. With the second academic year of the course, the department got into existence with independent infrastructure including human resource.


"Building Better Business Acumen"


To enhance students' employability in business world by imparting knowledge, equipping them with skills and enriching research culture through effective teaching-learning modules.

Goals and objectives:


Sl. No.

Name of the Faculty



Curriculum Vitae


Smt. Lakshmi Shivannavar

Assistant Professor


Dr. Nandini H.P

Assistant Professor


Vinayak Varute

Assistant Professor


Smt. Roopa Gandh

Assistant Professor


Miss. Jyoti Sangolli

Assistant Professor


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