K.L.E Society's




At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 : Acquire knowledge in the field of social sciences, literature and humanities which make them sensitive and sensible enough.

PO2 : Acquaint with the social, economical, historical, geographical, political, psychological and tradition and logical thinkers.

PO3 : Appear for various competitive examinations or choose the post graduate programme of their choice.

PO4 : Acquire the knowledge with human values framing the base to deal with various problems in life with courage and humanity.

PO5 : Ignited enough to think and act over for the solution of various issues prevailed in the human life to make this world better than ever.

PO6 : Become a responsible citizen.

At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 : Acquire theoretical and practical exposure in the business sectors like Accounts, Marketing, Management, Economics and Environment Etc.

PO2 : Build capability of Decision Making at personal and professional level.

PO3 : Develop various managerial and accounting skills for better professional and administrative opportunities and become Industry ready.

PO4 : Develop entrepreneurial skills..

PO5 : Recognize different value system and ethics, understand the moral dimensions and accept responsibilities.

At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 :Create social change makers through the curriculum based on knowledge, skills and attitude.

PO2 : Develop and enhance communication skills.

PO3 : Provide knowledge of management concepts and enable applied thinking.

PO4 : Enhance coping strategies for managing stress and crisis.

PO5 : Inculcate interpersonal skills and team spirit.

At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 : Value literature, language, and imagination, they will develop a passion for literature and language.

PO2 : Appreciate literature’s ability to elicit feeling, cultivate the imagination, and call us to account as humans.

PO3 : Cultivate their capacity to judge the aesthetic and ethical value of literary texts–and be able to articulate the standards behind their judgments.

PO4 : Appreciate the expressive use of language as a fundamental and sustaining human activity, preparing for a life of learning as readers and writers.

PO5 : Develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape meaning.

At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 : Analyse human behaviour, problems or situations from social science, cross-cultural and global perspectives.

PO2 : Pursue research or a career which provides employment through entrepreneurship and innovative methods.

PO3 : Familiar with the knowledge and application of micro economics for the formulation of policies and planning.

PO4 : Understand the impact of government policies and will be able to assess the consequences of the policies on the parties involved.

PO5 : Prepare and motivate themselves for research studies in Economics especially by developing questionnaire, collecting primary data through field surveys and writing reports.

At the end of this programme students will be able to:

PO1 : Get systematic, thorough learning and exposure in courses like Accounting, Taxation and Finance.

PO2 : Acquire Research Skills.

PO3 : Work in different domains like teaching and overall administrative abilities of the corporate world.

PO4 : Enhance the capability of Decision Making at personal and professional level.

PO5 : Recognize different value system and ethics, understand the moral dimensions and accept responsibilities.

Daily Viwers :     400
Total Viwers :     549328