K.L.E Society's



Department of English - PG

History of the Department

Lingaraj College, a leading educational institution offers PG Programme in English that balances various aspects of English studies by introducing Literature, Language and Theory components in judicious proportion and that takes care to open up new avenues to the students by emphasizing the application aspects of English Studies. When affiliated to Parent University, i.e., Karnataka University, the students of first three batches of PG Studies in English stood not only first to the University, but also won 14 gold medals creating record continuously for three years.

P.G. department of English, Lingaraj College has set a tradition of devotion and commitment in the year 2004 towards teaching and research, which is being continued till today. Stalwarts in the field have taught here to generations of students injecting in them a keen wisdom for English language and literature. The Department which was conferred with Autonomous status in the year 2007 boasts of adequately qualified, experienced and eminent teachers, the regular faculty, guest faculty and visiting faculty who have been striving hard to develop linguistic and subject competency of the students to a full measure.

The great tradition of teaching and learning set up by many luminaries in English Department of P.U.C and Degree section has continued by P.G. Department of English. Teachers like Prof K. R. Shrinivas Iyengar- a scholar, a teacher and a writer of �Indian Writing in English, Prof A K Ramanujan, professor of South East Asian languages of Chicago, Prof Ramaswami Iyengar recipient of Mac Arthur foundation USA fellowship, Shri K Bhagishayan eminent teacher, the Vice Chancellor of Shivaji University, Dr Shankar Mokashi Punekar- a renowned critic, poet and author, Dr B Rudrappa a charismatic teacher, gifted speaker who perceived his studies at Oxford and an advisor to TOEFEL, Dr. K R Aachar who worked a few years here and later joined an institution in Ethopia, Prof Sumatindra Nadig and others brought a distinct academic character to the college and the English Department through their scholarship tutelage. The fact that the library boasts of a rich collection of old and modern classics in English is the result of their efforts to shape it into a repository of English letters and language.

The present department also boasts of having highest number of paper presentations and publications with ISBN and ISSN number. As many as three students have won awards in paper presentations.


"Inculcating Cross-Cultural Insight and Global Vision"


"Developing the sense of social responsibility through study of literature and langauge."

Goals and objectives:

  • Active Research Learning.
  • Effective teaching skills and developing flair for teaching.
  • Making creative writters and readers with a focus on ability through translation and Mass Media.
  • Creating environment to imbibe the spirit of enquiry through art and literature.

Sl. No.

Name of the Faculty



Curriculum Vitae


Dr Shashikant Konnur

Assistant Professor


Mr.SujayKumar Cholin

Assistant. Professor


Smt. Sarika Nagare



Mr. Channabasanagouda Patil

Asst. Professor


Miss. Manali Desai

Assistant Professor


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