K.L.E Society's




Soft Skill Development

It is a need of the hour to ensure adequate training in the present generation so that students will be able to handle interpersonal relationships with a strong sense of empathy. At K. L. E. Society’s Lingaraj College, Autonomous, Belagavi we have a special Soft Skill Development program that runs throughout the year through different activities. Various Trainers are chosen as per the student’s requirement and ability to identify and improve upon areas where students are lacking behind. The program is designed to ensure holistic development of students in all areas of Placement training preparation.

Areas of Development:

  • Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal & Logical Reasoning
  • Soft-skills - Body Language, Business Communication, Personal Interviews & Team Work.
  • Special Sessions - Motivation and Work Ethics

Language & Communication Skills

The College has a well - functioned language lab which was established in the year 2006 to facilitate students to practice the language via computer-based exercises and activities. The language lab interactive courses provides a very different experience from the traditional system of teaching and learning English, offering more advanced features and functionalities like vocabulary building ,listening to modules, role plays etc . The language laboratory plays an important role in the language learning process. The focus is on the analysis and evaluation of receptive & productive skill based on various task based/machine-based activities. It also focuses on the development of target and scenario based communication processes using correct English for language learning purposes. It focuses on the development of students’ language & communication skills, critical thinking, and problem solving skills through the understanding of four pillars of English Language viz. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing and Group Discussions.

Awareness of Trends in Technology

Technology is playing a vital role in today’s education system, so updating ones Knowledge has become the need of the hour. By knowing this, Higher Education Institutions are functioning as a pivotal role in the development of the Academic needs of the students, not only through the curriculum but also through various programmes organized to create awareness of Trends in Technology. Keeping these things in the mind our college has organized various Seminars, Conferences and Workshops throughout the year to give better understanding of the recent developments in their specific domain. The Job Oriented Courses and Value-added Courses prove to be eye openers to the new trends in Technology. The programmes like the Learnathon & Hackathon enable the students to become enthusiastic Learners and Innovative solution providers for the future generation. Finishing basic Programmes like ‘Android Mobile Applications’, to educate the students with the current technologies and it empowers them with the skills and self-confidence to face this competitive world with more confidently.

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is a way of living that aims towards a healthy mind in a healthy body. Keeping these things in a mind the Institution organizes every year an ‘International Yoga Day’ the participants were given an insight into the Yoga Culture in India by leading them through a practice session of various Yoga postures (Asana) breathing exercises (Pranayama) and mindfulness (Meditation). They were also introduced to various yogic concepts through a brief lecture session. The college also organizes a Stay Fit Program to encourage the students to take up the practice of yoga in order to improve their mental health, reduce stress and increase relaxation during these times of uncertainty and chaos. The purpose of these sessions is to familiarize participants with the practice of Yoga so that students develop an interest in it as they experience the benefits of Yoga. They are regularly organized in the college auditorium where certified yoga instructors are invited to the college to train the students. International Yoga Day is celebrated by organizing yoga sessions and talks on the importance of practicing yoga.

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